
We Support Community Theatres in Washington

The Washington State Community Theatre Association (WSCTA) has been representing theatres in the state since 1972! The overall goal of WSCTA is to assist, communicate and coordinate activities, resource programs and services that aid and foster the development, quality, education and growth of community theatres in Washington State.

To this end, WSCTA meets periodically at community theatres around the state to allow members to get acquainted with the host theatres and their members. Whenever possible, meetings are chosen to coincide with a host theater production date. WSCTA can, upon request, arrange for a workshop during the meeting to benefit those attending. WSCTA is a member of the American Association of Community Theatres (AACT) and, along with the states of Alaska, Oregon and Idaho, comprise AACT Region IX.

Mission Statement

The Washington State Community Theatre Association assists, communicates and coordinates activities, resource programs and services that aid and foster the development, quality, education and growth of community theatres in Washington State.

 Board of Directors

  • Pavlina Morris – Bremerton, The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest, President

  • Christy Valle - Tri-Cities, Vice President

  • Chris Serface – Olympia, Tacoma Little Theatre, Secretary 

  • Era Pogosova - Bellevue, Theatre33, Treasurer 

  • Cori DeVerse - Tacoma

  • Jeremy Whittington - Spokane, Stage Left Theatre

  • Kayla Littleton - Tacoma, Tacoma Musical Playhouse

  • Laurice Roberts - Tacoma, The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest

  • Lorraine Hardin - Ocean Shores, Stage West Community Theatre

  • Nick Fitzgerald - South Puget Sound, The Changing Scene Theatre Northwest

  • Sean Walbeck – Bellingham, Bellingham Theatre Guild 

  • Ted Miller – Tri-Cities

  • Jon Douglas Rake – Tacoma, Tacoma Musical Playhouse, & Region IX Rep