Washington State Community Theatre Association
Supporting community theaters across the State of Washington since 1972
The Washington State Community Theatre Association (WSCTA) has been representing theatres in the state since 1972! Goals of WSCTA include assisting, communicating, celebrating, and coordinating activities, resource programs and services that aid and foster the development, quality, education and growth of community theatres in Washington State.
To this end, WSCTA facilitates the rotating Kaleidoscope Festival every two years for community theatres to showcase their work; maintains a website, a newsletter, and Facebook page to enhance intra-state communication; and occasionally hosts workshops and events for theatre-specific issues. WSCTA is a member of the American Association of Community Theatre (AACT), and a part of AACT Region IX, along with the states of Alaska, Oregon and Idaho.
Check out what is coming up at theater’s all over the state of Washington
Member Organizations
Our theatres come from all corners of the state. See which ones are a part of WSCTA.
Become a member of WSCTA
WSCTA membership can help you and your theatre with everything from administration to props!
Biennial State-Wide Theater Fest
WSCTA is proud to present our state wide theater festival, Kaleidoscope! The festival is a celebration of theatre for participants and the public. It is also a competition, a first step in the American Association of Community Theatre festival cycle (AACTFest) that includes state, regional, national and international competitions.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
PO Box 2007
Richland, WA 99352